Studies Show Exercise Just as Effective as Drugs

Studies show exercise just as effective as drugs at reducing death from heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Studies Show Exercise Just as Effective as Drugs

British Medical Journal: Studies show exercise just as effective as drugs at reducing death from heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Why is a chiropractor posting this New York Times article?

What is the connection between what I do as a chiropractor and health?

The answer is exercise and body chemistry.

The news article I’ve posted here explains that research studies have shown that regular exercise is as effective as medicine (including Lipitor and other statins) at stopping these 3 deadly diseases. Regular exercise improves body chemistry.


Okay what does this have to do with me as a chiropractor?

You’re not going to be able to exercise regularly if you can’t move without hurting.

I am the gateway to movement for my patients. I regularly have patients tell me during their intake examinations of their frustration at always getting re-injured when they attempt to exercise regularly.

Scores of these people had given up on exercise before they came to see me.

Loads of them had even thrown in the towel and given up even walking around the block because they were so tired of getting re-injured. They avoided movement because movement equaled pain for them.

They were sick and tired of being sick and tired as the cliche goes.

They don’t usually come in with dramatic histories of trauma, disc herniation or even nerve pain. It’s usually just constant stiffness and tiredness with fluctuating pain in one or all of the neck, back, shoulders, hips and legs. The same symptoms that lots of people who drive to work and then sit at a desk for 8 hours experience.

As a chiropractor who loosens stiff muscles and fascia, adjusts the spine and other joints, and teaches specific exercises I am a gateway for these people. A gateway, a ticket out for people suffering with pain that you can’t see. People with everyday limitations that frustrate them and family members.

I am blessed to have a way of making a living that gives these people and me, a chance to get moving again without constant re-injury. And by moving again people who have thrown in the towel have a shot at hurting less and cleaning up their body chemistry to a vibrantly healthy level.


9:00am - 6:00pm


9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Grande Family Chiropractic

2411 Crofton Ln #14A
Crofton, MD 21114

(410) 451-9870