Grande Family Chiropractic Blog

The Strategy I Use to Decrease Whiplash Pain

The Strategy I Use to Decrease Whiplash Pain

The Strategy I Use to Decrease Whiplash Pain Crofton Chiropractor Nicholas Grande explains his strategy to decrease whiplash pain. Most Whiplash victim’s #1 complaint is crazy painful stiffness in the neck and back. The main reason for this is a combination of inflammation and “inhibition” in the injured muscles. “Inhibition” is something most patients and…

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 1

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 1

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 1 Crofton Chiropractor Nicholas Grande explains his car crash experience. Read about Doc’s car crash and learn from his experiences. It was an October Friday evening about 7 o’clock. I was in my first semester of chiropractic school, and I had just finished studying at the library. I got in…

My L.A. Car Crash Part 2: A Little Amnesia

My L.A. Car Crash Part 2: A Little Amnesia

My L.A. Car Crash Part 2: A Little Amnesia Crofton Chiropractor Nicholas Grande further explains his auto accident in L.A. I was more in pain and scared than mad. I don’t remember that much about what happened after the crash except a few vivid pieces. Like the way the line of oncoming cars followed the…

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 3

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 3

My L.A. Car Crash, Part 3 Crofton Chiropractor Nicholas Grande further explains his auto accident in L.A. I got the classic response when I went to the tow yard to fetch my laptop and books from my car. A big, grizzled guy in his 40s or 50s stepped out of the office shack by the…

Sciatica Series Part 1: Overcoming Sciatic Pain in Crofton

Sciatica Series Part 1: Overcoming Sciatic Pain in Crofton

SCIATICA SERIES PART 1: Overcoming Sciatic Pain in Crofton You think to yourself, “I hate my commute because my butt hurts when I sit”, or “how can I retire early because my butt hurts when I sit?”.  “I can’t walk my dog because of the leg pain I get when I walk.” “I can’t walk…

Sciatica Series Part 2: Sciatica Explained by Crofton Chiropractor

Sciatica Series Part 2: Sciatica Explained by Crofton Chiropractor

SCIATICA SERIES PART 2: Sciatica Explained by Crofton Chiropractor Classic sciatica is pain in the middle of the buttock in the area of the external rotator muscles of the hip. The piriformis muscle is the most likely culprit. In fact, a common clinical name for sciatica is “piriformis syndrome”. I appreciate the simplicity of the…